Noli – 12th July 2017

The project was born one summer day on the Ligurian coast in Italy. In the small village of Noli where we used to spend our holidays. The summer there is very hot and the light is strong during the day and soothing in the evening. We had a flat in the centre of the old village, with a panoramic terrace. As I was about to hang out our towels, I saw my shadow cast on a sunbed. It was red in colour, discoloured by its long exposure to the sun. I found this graphic encounter very interesting and I started to play quite naturally, taking various breaks. I photographed them. I let myself be absorbed by the moment. Time took on another dimension. I had just discovered something: this shadow that I had never played with before. I also thought that everything came together beautifully; the very dark silhouette blending with the lived experience of the sunbed, the burning light contrasting with the peaceful, timeless side of the scene. During our subsequent stays in various Italian cities, I began to take walks during which I tried to play my shadow in these settings that I love. The colours of the walls – red, yellow ochre – and the sun-ravaged objects that are painted and repainted have something raw, real and special about them. That’s why I’m particularly fond of Mediterranean urban landscapes, which are the same ones that rocked my childhood.